
Our doctors, nurses and counselors specialize in primary medical care for families and children, providing a true medical home, where treatments and medications are coordinated seamlessly. Our “whole person” health system allows board certified physicians and providers to work together for total well-being.

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With MeridianMD our focus is on primary medical care for adults and children emphasizing whole-person health and the integration of the body and the mind. Board certified physicians and providers work together to provide routine medical care, treatment of chronic medical conditions, illness visits, physicals, and immunizations.

Wellness assessments include blood pressure, healthy diet and weight management; diabetes screening and disease management; cholesterol screening and management; depression screening, education and referral; ADHD screening, education and referral; development assessment and referral; sleep assessment and education; and oral health screening and referral.


Adults with a primary care provider have 19% lower odds of premature death than those who only see specialists.
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