Maternal Treatment Program

The Maternal Treatment Program helps pregnant mothers struggling with drug addiction get the tools and resources they need, resulting in brighter futures for them, and for their newborn babies. A multi-disciplinary team provides guidance throughout the recovery process.

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Meridian’s Maternal Treatment Program is an outpatient treatment program that provides care and support to drug-addicted mothers and their newborn babies born suffering from withdrawal. The program’s services are designed to use “whole-person” health methods to prevent, educate, treat and provide community support for its patients. This helps change lifestyles of mothers in crisis, which in turn improves the outcomes for children born into addiction.

Mothers referred to the program have a team assigned to them. Members can include an OB/GYN representative, a case manager, clinical supervisor and a representative from the Department of Child Services or prosecutor’s office if her case involves those agencies. The case manager and clinical supervisor treat not just chemical addiction, but also help patients find and use resources to manage their lives post-addiction.

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