
Connecting children in need with foster parents trained to meet those needs, FosterHope provides hope and support for some of our most vulnerable children.

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FosterHope is Meridian Health Services’ specialized foster care program for Indiana children in need of emotional, behavioral, or mental health support. It is one of the few foster programs in Indiana that specializes in the needs of children with behavioral issues. Meridian identifies and trains special families to provide therapeutic care with the hope of reuniting children with their families. Foster parents share their home, time, care, and hearts with a child who needs patience, understanding, comfort and love, while also demonstrating good parenting skill for the child’s family.

Each child and family in FosterHope are connected to integrated care that addresses each child’s variety of needs. The program provides clinical services (therapy and case management) to foster children and clinical support to foster parents. Foster parents also have access to behavioral support, crisis intervention, and emergency respite 24 hours a day, every day of the year.


In the United States, more than 442,000 children were in foster care in 2017 — the most recent year of data on record.
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