
Those with intellectual disabilities and mental health issues find ways to cope, communicate and better manage their mental, social and physical needs. Connxxions serves as their medical home to facilitate their care system.

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Connxxions facilitates the coordination of the complex care system for individuals with intellectual or developmental disorders and mental health challenges. Individual therapy, group settings, caregiver training, and crisis assistance are all important aspects of Connxxions.

Individuals with co-occurring mental illness and developmental disability have historically been misunderstood and overlooked by the health community. To address these often complex needs, Meridian Services first designed and implemented the Connxxions program in 1994 in Jay and Randolph counties. As Connxxions gained recognition and proved effective, additional providers in other counties heard about the services and wanted to participate. Today, the Connxxions Program of Meridian Health Services continues to grow across Indiana. With the addition of the Crisis Assistance Program, there are now options 24 hours a day, seven days a week to meet acute psychiatric and behavioral needs of individuals with both developmental and mental health challenges.

Connxxions program components include individual therapy, group therapy, case management, psychiatric services, MeridanMD, and behavior management consultation.

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